Ann Kwaske
Phone: (734) 475-2246 ext. 203
Linda White
Phone: (734) 475-2246 ext. 206
Michigan Election law stipulates elections in May, August and November. Additionally, in presidential election years, a statewide primary is held in February. Specifically, the election dates are:
The 2025 Election Schedule for Lima Township is:
You can register to vote online by visiting You can also register at any Secretary of State’s office or visit the Township office and fill out an application.
You may fill out a one-time request for a ballot or request to receive a ballot for all elections. Fill out this form to request an absentee ballot.
To check the status of your absentee ballot, go to: Track Your Absentee Ballot and more.
Lima Township currently consists of one (1) voting precinct. From 2017 to 2023, Lima Township had two voting precincts. At the time, Michigan Election Law required precincts to be under 3,000 registered voters in size. An amendment to the law that took effect in February 2024 changed the cutoff to 5,000 registered voters. Lima Township has approximately 3,500 registered voters, so the election commission voted to return to a single precinct. All Lima Township residents are in Precinct #1 and vote at the Lima Township Hall, 11452 Jackson Rd, Dexter, MI 48130.
The State of Michigan keeps information on what is on all upcoming ballots here.
The League of Women Voters also provides a good resource at
Lima Township is always seeking Election Workers. We need dependable, hard-working people with a positive personality to assist with elections at our local polling place. Serving as an election worker is a paid position and all election workers are trained on proper protocols. Email for more information.
All Michigan voters now have the right to vote early in every statewide and federal election. In those elections, early voting must be offered for at least nine consecutive days, beginning on the second Saturday before the election and ending on the Sunday before the election, for at least eight hours a day.
The Lima Township Early Voting is held at Sylvan Township. All Washtenaw County voters may also vote at the Learning Resource Center in Ann Arbor. Please call the township offices for directions or voting hours.